News Item: 2017 Club Christmas Party/Car Show/Awards Day
(Category: Social)
Posted by Stephen Faulks
Tuesday 07 November 2017 - 21:19:00

It is coming up to that time of the year again.

Lock away some time on the 3rd December in your diary for our Club Christmas party/Car Show and Awards Day being held at Harrigans Drift Inn at Calypso Bay (near Jacobs Well).

We are parking on the peninsula with the beautiful water and marina as the backdrop to what will be an enjoyable day.

Gates will be open between 10.00am and 11.00am to allow us access to the peninsula and there will be no access out of this timeframe. Harrigans rules not ours!

Awards will be:
Motorsport 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Social 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Car Show

There will be a lucky door price from Motorsport Brakes.

Remember your sunscreen and your hat otherwise you will be in for an uncomfortable Monday nursing sunburn.

Look forward to seeing lots of happy members at this last event for 2017.

This news item is from WRX Club of Queensland
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