News Item: WRX Club Dirt Day - Sunday 15/02/2015
(Category: Misc)
Posted by Admin
Tuesday 13 January 2015 - 05:41:49
GET IN QUICK REDUCED PRICE as we are opening it to other clubs to come along.
only $75 for members with cams license
only $150 for non members with cams license
add $25 if needing cams license
regs and conditions will be posted soon
ONLY 25 DRIVERS get in and pay early to secure your spot
There will be a drivers disclaimer you must agree to and sign to participate.
The drivers & passengers must attend the drivers briefing, sign in and agree to the rules. both drivers and passengers will be given a wrist band that will be supplied once all the above has been undertaken.
To all those who want to drive in the dirt this day is for you. The club has hired the Dirt circuit at IWMAC for a full day of fun. This event has been run previously so some of you have been to the event before. For those of you that haven't it is a great day to see if you are interested in driving on the dirt whilst not being an all competitive day.
Please find below entry prices, lunch and drink tickets will be provided for all entered drivers. Visitors and passengers will be able to purchase drink and food tickets at a minimal cost.
Payments must be received prior to event, no payments taken on the day
Member $75
Non Memeber $150
Cams Licence $25
Passenger unlimited cars and laps =$5 pay on the day
Drivers and passengers will be given a wrist band that is the only way you will be allowed on the track must be displayed to starter before entry.
See disclaimers attached it will speed up registration if you could print and have completed.
Gates will open at 7.30am with the track opening at 9am. Lunch and Drinks will be available at the venue.
This is a private event which will result in a lot of fun track time for all involved with the focus on enjoyment. -
As we will not know the condition of the track till the day, factors that can affect its surface are the weather and who was running on the track the week before.
What we will do if you see the track and don't think it is suitable for your car on the day we are more than happy to refund your money before you start. It's always wise to walk the track to familiarise yourself again or go for the first walk to pick you lines.
Proceedings of the day
* 07:30 - Arrive and set up camp. Please feel free to bring seats and marquees
* 07:30 - Scrutineering (NO RALLY TYRES) and Disclaimer
* 07:45 - Drivers Briefing
* 09:00 - 12:00 - Runs
* 12:00 - 12:30 - Lunch
* 12:30 - 15:30 - Runs
The Basics
* No door to door racing
* No official timing
* No more than 3 cars on the track at one time
* Laps will be starting from a standing start on the starting pad you will be waved on to the track where you will complete 1 standing lap and 4 flying laps (this may be changed throughout the day depending on the general feeling - 5 laps is a good place to start as cars don't get too hot)
* Dangerous driving will NOT be tolerated and you will be asked to leave
* Strictly invite only
* Helmets, Neck to Wrist to Ankle non flammable clothes
* Civil Drivers License Required - CAMS license required
* Passenger laps you can bring people out for a spin (they will have to have Helmets, Neck to Wrist to Ankle non flammable clothes)
* There is no need to rush at the start of the day - I can guarantee that there will be times when there is only one car on the track (and some times none) so you will get plenty of lap time
Photos from the last event
This news item is from WRX Club of Queensland
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