October BBQ Meet & Greet

02 Oct : 19:41
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Welcome to the WRX Club's Last Meet & Greet for the year.

This is a great opportunity for all club and non-club members (existing, new and prospective) to get together and enjoy a BBQ and refreshments.

Details of this event:
WHEN - SATURDAY 20th October from 10am to 2pm
WHERE - Pines Rivers Park

Other Info:
The club will be having a FREE BBQ and refreshments for everyone! We will use the undercover area and BBQ's there and we'll have the club marquees there for extra shade as well.

We would like to emphasise that this is a FAMILY event - your partners, kids, dogs etc are very welcome. The reserve has loads of parking, grassy areas, kids playground and public toilets.

Looking forward to seeing you
WRX Club Committee

Getting to Know the Impreza WRX Club of QLD Members - Becky Baker

23 Aug : 06:05
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What does the Impreza WRX Club of QLD mean to you?

- The club is a great bunch of supportive people

How long have you been a member?

- I have been a member for about 5 years.

What is your favourite memory about the club?

- Thats a hard one, the thing I love about the club that it's laid back but you feel like part of a team, everyone there is willing to help out each other and give driving tips.

2018 Annual General Meeting - 11th Sept @ The86Shop

23 Aug : 05:38
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DSC 0933

Hi Everyone

It is that time of year again where you get to choose your Club Committee for another year.

This year it will be held at The86Shop
2/1460 Boundary Rd, Wacol QLD 4076

Meeting date: Tuesday 11th of September.
Start time: 6.30 pm for a 7.00pm start

Your input in choosing a new Committee is vital in ensuring the growth of the club so please come along and join in.

The positions up for nomination are-

Vice President:

As per our Constitution, all positions are considered vacant and nominations are now open for members to become actively involved in growing our club. ALl roles can have a deputy position, if you want to get involved, but want to start off slow.

At no time will anyone who becomes a Committee member be thrown in at the deep end as it has taken time to grow the club and we all want to see it succeed and become "the" club to belong to. You will have the support of the current committee members and be guided through the role.

We have one committee meeting per month and most of the committee attend the club meetings when possible. Like you, we have jobs and businesses to run during the day so it is not difficult to find a bit of time to join in.

If you want more info on what is involved in each position, please contact any of the Committee.

Remember that to keep the club running, we need a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Nominations are now called for the all of the above positions. Please put your nominations below this post and the nomination has to be accepted by the person

If you are wanting to be more involved in the club, or be involved in the way the club is run, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE.

Now over to you as the members to get the nominations started.

Kind regards


Getting to Know the WRX Club Members - Andrew Ross

12 Aug : 10:45
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What does the Impreza WRX Club of QLD mean to you?

- In the beginning it was something to do with my dad and a few close friends, but over time i have gained lots of friends. Being a part of the WRX club is a place where learning and teaching is very rewarding.

How long have you been a member?

- My dad introduced me to the club about ten years ago.

What made you join the committee?

- As I was going to most event and meetings, I started helping out there and decided I could help out more by joining the commiittee. My partner and I ran the Merchandise as our first role on the committee, then I moved onto Vice President and Now President.

What is your favourite memory about the club?

- I have two very good memories of the club. The first memory was a number of years ago the club did a cruise down to the Bathurst 12 hour and we got to drive the circuit, it was sensational.
The second was about 4 years ago our club christmas party was help at the Harrigans Drift Inn with all the cars parked on the Water having a few drinks with family and friends.

Cars On The Water

May Club Meeting - Yatala Pies

21 Apr : 06:37
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Are you feeling hungry???

Yatala Pies has been a Queensland landmark for over 130 years, and their pies are second to none! Come by on Tuesday and enjoy an evening with the WRX Club of Qld at our May Club Meeting.

Meeting will be kicking off at 18:30 at Yatala Pies, (Exit 38) 48 Old Pacific Hwy, Yatala QLD 4207.

WRX Club Dirt Day - 20 May

21 Apr : 06:05
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get in and pay early to secure your spot. Not a member? Join here - Click Here

To all those who want to drive in the dirt this day is for you. The club has hired the Dirt circuit at IWMAC for a full day of fun. This event has been run previously so some of you have been to the event before. For those of you that haven't it is a great day to see if you are interested in driving on the dirt whilst not being an all competitive day.

Please find below entry prices-

Driver - $100
Passenger - $5

There will be a Driver’s and Passenger's Disclaimer you must agree to and sign to participate. Attached below. It will speed up registration if you could print it out and have it completed.

Drivers & Passenger briefing will be at 8:00am. If you fail to make this briefing you will not be able to participate and all money paid is non refundable. All drivers and Passengers will be given wristbands between 7:30am and 9am. No Wristband No Participation.

Gates will open at 7.30am with the track opening at 9am. A BBQ lunch and drinks (bottled water) are included for all attendees. So, even if you are not running, come along and have a look and have lunch with us.
This is a private event which will result in a lot of fun track time for all involved with the focus on enjoyment.

Proceedings of the day-
* 07:30 - Arrive and set up camp. Please feel free to bring seats and marquees
* 08:00- Passenger & Drivers Briefing (MANDATORYFOR ALL)
* 08:45 – Car checks and sighting laps.
* 09:00 - 12:00 - Runs
* 12:00 - 12:30 - Lunch
* 12:30 - 15:30 - Runs


* No door to door racing.
* No official timing.
* No more than 3 cars on the track at one time. Depending on how the day is going and driver attitude, we may allow more on the track as the day progresses.
* Laps will be starting from a standing start on the starting pad you will be waved on to the track where you will complete 1 standing lap and 2 flying laps (this may be changed throughout the day depending on the general feeling - 3 laps is a good place to start as cars don't get too hot).
* When you are shown the chequered flag, your run has ended. This could be the end of your run, it could be a problem with your car or it could be a problem on the track. If you think you were shown the flag or are even not sure it was meant for you, GET OFF THE TRACK!!! THERE WILL BE ZERO TOLERANCE ON THIS, AND A SINGLE BREACH YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE.
* Helmets, Neck to Wrist to Ankle nonflammable clothes
* Civil Driver’s License Required
* Passenger laps you can bring people out for a spin (they will have to have Helmets, Neck to Wrist to Ankle nonflammable clothes)
* There is no need to rush at the start of the day - I can guarantee that there will be times when there is only one car on the track (and sometimes none) so you will get plenty of lap time.

Gusto's Pizza Night - 20 Apr 2018

24 Feb : 14:31
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Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God,Oh my God,Oh my God...... did someone say pizza??????

That's right, the WRX Club of Queensland will be meeting up at Gusto's Gourmet Pizza & Pasta Grange to do two things. One, show off our cars and more importantly eat more pizza and pasta than should be humanly possible!!!!!

Gusto's is better than restaurant quality traditional pizza and pasta in a take away store!

Bring your WRX Club Membership card along to get exclusive members prices.

We will try to make sure there are not teenage turtles there, but we can not promise!

Click Here

100 Days Road, Grange.

Diversion Garage Tech Night - 10 Apr

24 Feb : 14:13
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The April WRX Club Tech Meeting will be held at Diversion Garage who specialise in Subaru build motors.

18:30 Tuesday 10th April 2018

Diversion Garage