June Meet - Car Care Products

29 May : 08:22
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Car care products will be hosting the June meeting. We will be having a BBQ for members of the club staring at 6:30pm with the club meeting starting around 7 on the 13th of June

Care car products will talk about different types of paint protection and from waxes to paint protection film.

Car Care Products
Brisbane – 2/55 Clarence Street
Coorparoo QLD 4151

The May WRX Cruise

28 May : 08:22
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What a great day for a drive in the mountains. The weather was perfect. Plenty of cold air to help engines run more efficiently. Some members were so keen, they were waiting in the dark at the start.

The drive to Howell's Knob Lookout was sensational. There were lots of great roads and no traffic. A reward for those who paid the price and got out of bed early. We made such good time that we had an extended stay at the lookout since Rick's Garage doesn't open until 10am. We filled in the time talking, eating morning tea, and admiring the view. Thanks to Jason for providing the culinary delights.

From the lookout, it was only a short 30 minute run to Rick's Garage. Luckily, we all found a car park in Palmwoods. Car parks are at a premium on Saturday mornings. The service at Rick's Garage was amazing. The food and coffee was on the tables in minutes. You need to take a big apatite with you. The servings are huge.

After filling up with food, we headed back to the highway via the back roads. The end of a great morning's drive and good company. Thanks for staying safe.

Article: Scott Sadler
Photos: Steffi Brown

WRX Club Dirt Day - Saturday, 1st July, 2017

04 May : 19:34
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WRX Club Dirt Day - Saturday, 1st July 2017

ONLY 20 DRIVERS get in and pay early to secure your spot.

To all those who want to drive in the dirt this day is for you. The club has hired the Dirt circuit at IWMAC for a full day of fun. This event has been run previously so some of you have been to the event before. For those of you that haven't it is a great day to see if you are interested in driving on the dirt whilst not being an all competitive day.

Please find below entry prices-

Drivers - $100
Passengers - $5 or pay on the day

There will be a Driver’s and Passenger's Disclaimer you must agree to and sign to participate. Attached below. It will speed up registration if you could print your's out and have it completed.

The drivers & passengers must attend the drivers briefing, sign in and agree to the rules. Both drivers and passengers will be given a wrist band that will be supplied once all the above has been undertaken.

Gates will open at 7.30am with the track opening at 9am. A BBQ lunch and drinks (bottled water) are included for all attendees. So, even if you are not running, come along and have a look and have lunch with us.
This is a private event which will result in a lot of fun track time for all involved with the focus on enjoyment.

Proceedings of the day-
07:30 - Arrive and set up camp. Please feel free to bring seats and marquees
07:45 - Drivers Briefing
08:45 – Car checks and sighting laps.
09:00 - 12:00 - Runs
12:00 - 12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - 15:30 - Runs


No door to door racing.
No official timing.
No more than 3 cars on the track at one time. Depending on how the day is going and driver attitude, we may allow more on the track as the day progresses.
Laps will be starting from a standing start on the starting pad you will be waved on to the track where you will complete 1 standing lap and 2 flying laps (this may be changed throughout the day depending on the general feeling - 3 laps is a good place to start as cars don't get too hot).
When you are shown the chequered flag, your run has ended. This could be the end of your run, it could be a problem with your car or it could be a problem on the track. If you think you were shown the flag or are even not sure it was meant for you, GET OFF THE TRACK!!! THERE WILL BE ZERO TOLERANCE ON THIS, AND A SINGLE BREACH YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE.
Helmets, Neck to Wrist to Ankle nonflammable clothes
Civil Driver’s License Required
Passenger laps you can bring people out for a spin (they will have to have Helmets, Neck to Wrist to Ankle nonflammable clothes)
There is no need to rush at the start of the day - I can guarantee that there will be times when there is only one car on the track (and sometimes none) so you will get plenty of lap time.

Club Cruise - 27 May

04 May : 19:17
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Yes, it's an early start to avoid the traffic. The price you have to pay for a great drive.
It is highly advisable to carry a UHF radio to keep in touch with the group. There are several narrow roads and it helps to know of oncoming traffic.

What to Bring:
Full tank of fuel
UHF radio
Money to buy food at Ricks' Garage

Meet: 6:30am
Start: 7:00am Wahminda Park - Ferny Hills
Rest Stop: Howells Knob Lookout - Reesville
Morning Smoko:Ricks Garage - Palmwoods
Opens at 10:00am
End: Steve Erwin Way - Beerburrum
Distance: 178km
Fuel: On the way home for those who need to fill up.
BP - Glenview
BP - Caboolture (Highway)
Shell - Coles Express Glasshouse (Highway - Moby Vics)

Coyote Tuning - May 9

26 Apr : 20:01
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Coyote Tuning will be hosting the WRX Club of Queensland's May Meeting.

We will be having a BBQ on the night for members of the club starting at 6:30pm with the club meeting will be starting at approximately 7:00pm on the 9th May 2017.

Club members and prospective members are more than welcome.

Can you please RSVP

Coyote Tuning
127 Sandgate Road, Albion
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Skid Pan @ Road Craft - POSTPONED until 16th July

16 Mar : 06:54
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POSTPONED until 24th June

We have the first Skid Pan for 2017 coming up, this is a low speed and is kind on tyres as the surface is smooth and

At this event we will be running short courses, somewhat like a wet motorkhana,

Date: 16th July
Running of the day - 8:30am Start at the venue, running through to 4:00pm. Lunch will be provided by the club to attendees

Numbers will be limited to 20 cars. You must be a club member to drive and must hold an Open Licence.

Conditions of Track Hire are attached

Arrangements to stay will be posted in due course

Log into the forum to secure your spot

Cost to drive $100
Passengers $10

If you intend on bring people please pay before and let us know for catering purposes.

Roadcraft at Gympie

WRX Club QR Track Day - Saturday, 29th of April, 2017

09 Mar : 18:45
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WRX Club QR Track Day - Saturday, 29th of April, 2017

ONLY 20 DRIVERS get in and pay early to secure your spot.

The Club has booked a session at Queensland raceway in the street sprints series.
QLD Raceway is located at Champions Way Willowbank
The session includes 4 x 5 laps runs. (normally there are 1-2 extra runs at the end of the day)

The cost to enter is $100, Please log into the forum to reserve your spot

The Street Sprints are open to road registered vehicles, which must be fitted with street legal tyres and exhaust.
Unregistered and Race cars are permitted to run on the day, however will not be eligible for points for the Series.

Westhold Timers
In order to receive lap times at the Sprint events you will need to either purchase or hire a Westhold timer from the circuit office. The cost of buying a Westhold timer outright is $120, or you can hire a timer for $20 a day ($120 upfront. $100 will be refunded once the timer is returned in good condition at the end of the day). The average battery life of the Westhold timer is between 3-5 years (depending on usage). Westhold timers are used at both Queensland Raceway and Lakeside Park.

Drivers who are attending Street sprints, Drifts, Roll Racing, Happy Laps sessions with Downshift, Torque Time, Hi-Octane and Street Factor, will require a Racers Clubman Licence. The licence is required due to the increased risk of an accident occurring during these sessions and therefore Personal Accident Insurance must be covered. This licence can be pre-purchased online or applied for on the morning of their track session. It is recommended to pre-purchase online to ensure you receive the full amount of track time.

Racers Licence Fee's:
- Annual Clubman Licence $65 purchase on the day or online here
- Single Event Clubman Licence $20 can be purchased on the day

Helmets, Neck to Wrist to Ankle non flammable clothes will be required, if you do not have
Them you will not be allowed to participate.

Proceedings of the day-
* 12 pm – Meet at Qld Raceway
* 12:30pm- Drivers briefing
* 1pm - On Track

March Tech Night - Gustos

09 Mar : 17:56
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The WRX Club of Queensland is covering off the most important topic this month that all car enthusiasts need to know.... how to make a good pizza :)

We are having our club meeting at the Grange Gusto's Pizza.

Our night will kick off at 7:00pm on the 15th March.

Club members and prospective members are more than welcome.

Can you please RSVP